Rotating your wrist upward just opens up your arm/shoulder/wrist into their correct positions.
Wrist-aiming/clicking is bad for you long term, just learn how to use your arm to move the mouse around on a lower sensitivity :)
Comment on Brought to you by the vertical mouse gang 1 year ago
At that point, why not just use a joystick?
Rotating your wrist upward just opens up your arm/shoulder/wrist into their correct positions.
Wrist-aiming/clicking is bad for you long term, just learn how to use your arm to move the mouse around on a lower sensitivity :)
What’s bad for you is incorrect posture and resting your wrist on the desk or a pad while actively using your wrist.
Source: Have carpal tunnel and was given guides on proper posture and peripheral use by my doctor.
Hard for those of us who have different-than-expected-proportions. I have a custom built desk at home so it’s not a problem, but my work desk is just too high. Even at its highest, my chair doesn’t raise me up enough to allow me to sit ergonomically since I have a short torso. The vertical mouse helps make up for it, though.
I’m tall so most things are too short. If your work has an ergo specialist, however, you could possibly request a higher chair or lower desk. I’ve only had two jobs that were cool like that, tho. 1 year ago
I wonder how good IntelliJ’s support for joystick is.