Comment on Judas - Official Story Trailer 1 year ago
For some context, if anyone is thinking “This looks a lot like Bioshock”, yes, it is. Ghost Story Games is another rebranding of the same studio that made Bioshock (2K Boston) and Bioshock Infinite (Irrational Games), and is still headed by Ken Levine.
This is Bioshock 3 (4?) in all but name. 1 year ago
Is it still a smaller studio? I recall he shut things down and took a small amount of talent with him, but that’s when the studio was first made. He said he wanted smaller. The vibe was that he disliked the size of Infinite’s team and scope.
I’m not sure I would call it a rebranding. I believe Bioshock lives on without him still as it’s own thing.