- Comment on Avowed Launches As Steam's # 1Top Seller In The US And Worldwide 2 weeks ago:
Battlenet has it. I’m not sure why, maybe it is a sign of things to come for Microsoft? I couldn’t very well try the Microsoft Store as it has 0 compatibility with linux.
- Comment on Avowed Launches As Steam's # 1Top Seller In The US And Worldwide 2 weeks ago:
Have any Linux users had luck getting it to work through Battlenet? I still got a few months left on my three years of Xbox membership. I got battlenet running through Steam and got it to install the game, but it reports a problem updating when trying to launch.
- Comment on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) The Sims 4 just got surprise incest, and it's not even the first time 7 months ago:
Alabama update.
- Comment on World of Goo 2 - Official Trailer 2 7 months ago:
I remember loving the first one on my PSP way back.
- Comment on An Enhanced Edition Of Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Hits Consoles And PC This August 8 months ago:
…will launch on PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and PC this August. More specifically, it hits PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC (via Steam) on August 1. …
Reminds me of when we had to grade each other’s homework as a kid. Minimum word counts.
- Comment on MultiVersus Launch Trailer Reveals Jason Voorhees And The Matrix's Agent Smith 9 months ago:
I’m surprised to see Jason. The Dead By Daylight guys said they wouldn’t touch him because the legal spaghetti it is. Apparently different people own different versions of him and each can only acknowledge some story elements.
- Comment on I'm so annoyed that they're calling the new hobbit game 'A The Lord of the Rings Game' 10 months ago:
That seems weirder to me to be honest. Like the recent The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria. Just call if Return to Moria and make a LotR badge for marketings sake. Same here.
I’ll accept Middle-Earth though.
- Comment on Helldivers 2 community manager says internal discussions are ongoing regarding mandatory PSN account link 10 months ago:
I know little about it. What makes this stand out? I am guessing kernal level, but is there anything else to it?
- Comment on I just learned an interesting piece of gaming history that most people might not know about 10 months ago:
This is neat. I would have loved to have played some of these alongside what I did on the 360. Feels similar. Marble Blast Ultra, Geometry Wars, etc. I had no idea either.
- Comment on Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers - Promo (2024) 10 months ago:
This looks fun. Thanks for the share.
- Comment on Reddit has a new AI training deal to sell user content 1 year ago:
Can someone more savvy explain why they couldn’t also scrape what we all say here?
- Comment on Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot. 1 year ago:
Maybe here is a good place to ask. I have used Mint for months now on my non-gaming laptop. I like it. I was ready to move my gaming rig at months end. Then I read that it can have issues with multiple monitors at different refresh rates and also with Mouse acceleration. Is this true and is there a solution?
- Comment on ONLYOFFICE 8 Released with PDF Encryption, RTL Support 1 year ago:
I really really like OnlyOffice. It has a weird thing where when I sleep the PC and reopen that it’s visually wonky but if I minimize and maximize it fixes it. Otherwise I have not encountered bugs.
To me this is my replacement for 365.
- Comment on How Walmart, Delta, Chevron and Starbucks are using AI to monitor employee messages 1 year ago:
The software has determined every key stroke with your thumb has a measurable deficiency. Employee #5317, would you verbally agree to a thumb lengthening. We believe this would improve performance by 0.012%.
- Comment on How Walmart, Delta, Chevron and Starbucks are using AI to monitor employee messages 1 year ago:
What the heck. How are they at that point not paying for the phone. Nope nope nope.
A lot of people seem to feel entitled to space on others phones. I guess businesses included.
- Comment on How Walmart, Delta, Chevron and Starbucks are using AI to monitor employee messages 1 year ago:
A lot of great points. I suspect metrics on people’s work will only get worse. Like you said, it will justify some awful behavior. Imagine a dummy having access to it as well. Like Musk firing people based off how many lines of code.
- Comment on Your honor this is bullshit 1 year ago:
Ooo, thank you. I love this stuff. Law is fun when you just get to dip your toe into the good stuff.
- Comment on Maybe Lovecraft wasn't as talented as people think? 1 year ago:
Not that it matters at this point, but I saw somewhere that he had remorse for his racism later in life. Is this true? I have never seen anything to show it but I haven’t saught it out either.
It’s kinda funny how some of my favorite board games are based upon the setting. I love that they are heavy with diversity. It makes me think of Stephen King’s writing book, he says a story is no longer yours once it’s out there.
I’m glad Lovecraft made what he did, and that it’s so free tooled today. I think one day the Wizarding World will be the same (I refuse to keep calling the whole thing Harry Potter).
- Comment on How Walmart, Delta, Chevron and Starbucks are using AI to monitor employee messages 1 year ago:
If I understand right, it is tracking work software. So work PCs. I had already assumed anything in a work setting can be used against me. It doesn’t make it right, but this won’t change my behavior. I already assume corpo-degeneracy is afoot anytime I touch work-tech.
- Comment on EXCLUSIVE | Microsoft plans Starfield launch for PlayStation 5 - XboxEra 1 year ago:
Nobody is winning here long-term. Microsoft is growing its subscription service and every step is with that in mind. Getting people to buy their games now, like Starfield, is likely seen as closing the gap a little more towards encouraging that.
Like all of these things, it will be great and a value at first and then a squeeze for more money with less offerings. People en masse will say they won’t be a part of it, and then record profits (like Netflix right now) will be shown.
Not all is doom and gloom though. Indie games are rapid fire releasing, Linux is growing due to Valve and Chromebooks, and I found a ten dollar bill in my pocket this morning.
I’m mostly frustrated with always online games. They remain the enemy for longevity and nonsense outside of the MMO space.
- Comment on Judas - Official Story Trailer 1 year ago:
Is it still a smaller studio? I recall he shut things down and took a small amount of talent with him, but that’s when the studio was first made. He said he wanted smaller. The vibe was that he disliked the size of Infinite’s team and scope.
I’m not sure I would call it a rebranding. I believe Bioshock lives on without him still as it’s own thing.
- Comment on This Spyro the Dragon tweet has fans thinking a new instalment is coming 1 year ago:
Being 6, I would just go with the game system they like. You and I know PC/SteamDeck are killer but youngins always fixate on what they like. Besides, I have a feeling a switch would be cheaper. Not so sure about a switch 2 being cheaper though.
Your kids lucky your thinking it out. 😎👍
- Comment on This Spyro the Dragon tweet has fans thinking a new instalment is coming 1 year ago:
Sadly I haven’t! I have a Vive but it isn’t on there. You got me watching a video and it looks like a lot of fun to!
Except for the Switch, I haven’t owned a console since the 360. I kind of went hard into PC by accident.
- Comment on This Spyro the Dragon tweet has fans thinking a new instalment is coming 1 year ago:
I wonder what they could do to breath new fire into it (har). It is a fun trilogy to play, for sure, but it also feels like playing a game of its time.
I really miss games like this though. The last time I felt the bridge between games like Spyro and “modern” times (I’m old) was Kameo. Kameo was such a gem and felt like I was playing a newer Spyro, Medievil, or Banjo game.
While we’re on the subject, where the heck is Conker?
- Comment on Project Gorgon’s Sandra Powers on the MMORPG’s features, its fiscal future, and the broader genre 1 year ago:
It is wild to me that the money that went for donations after people learned about its struggles is going back into the game. The game has a lot to offer, any game where you can insult someone’s birth to do psychic damage does, but I would not have faulted them if all the funds had gone to medical bills.
- Comment on Patrick Stewart Reveals New Star Trek Movie Script Featuring Jean-Luc Picard Is In The Works 1 year ago:
I watched the first season and liked it. The fan service didn’t feel so bad. Season twos portrayal by half way through of an old enemy felt too casual to me and I tapped out. Is season 3 worth a whirl of two stopped me?
- Comment on Apple Discusses Push Towards High-End Mac Gaming in New Interview 1 year ago:
People who dont know better. People still buy Macs with the intention of also playing some games. People also buy familiarity. It serves them in no way to say anything like that. Especially when they got all those sweet sweet mobile games coming there way. Lol
- Comment on Daggerfall Unity 1.0.0 Released 1 year ago:
I think they rebuilt the game in Unity. I do know they say to not go with the one on GoG as it is outdated. I only learned about the whole thing yesterday.
- Comment on Apple Discusses Push Towards High-End Mac Gaming in New Interview 1 year ago:
For anyone new to this, Mac regularly talks about their efforts in gaming and then regularly does little for it. What’s the alternative, say aloud that gaming isn’t anywhere near a priority for you?
- Comment on Making a game about monsters 1 year ago:
Looks fun. If I can give any advice, I would avoid comparisons to other games as that also invites unnecessary criticism.
Also less metal and drums, and more sound effects (like with the kick at the end).
Fleshed out, I would give it a go. There are some public domain creatures you could absorb, like anything Lovecraft.