My finds have never come with the demon.
Not with that attitude.
Comment on He warned us, but did we listen? 1 year ago
This is false advertising. My finds have never come with the demon.
This is the McDonald’s Monopoly debacle all over again.
My finds have never come with the demon.
Not with that attitude.
I always have to summon my own, and candles and goats blood have been hit hard by inflation in Biden’s America
They used to, but since thrifting came into style, they mark up the possessed stuff to the point where you might as well go buy brand new possessed stuff. 1 year ago
Fun fact you can permanently scare off Jehovah’s witnesses by offering them a random object and insisting that it’s absolutely not cursed or possessed. Really insist that the thing you pulled out of the junk drawer is absolutely not possessed and is simply a gift that they need to accept.
You will never see them again. 1 year ago
Is this an unethical LPT? 1 year ago
Arguably, yes.
Listen I know they’re annoying, but the people standing at your door aren’t the problem. It’s the cult they’re in.
Telling them there’s a demon in your house is likely to cause them a decent amount of psychological distress. They literally believe in demons, they literally believe those demons want to get in to their home, and they literally believe it will destroy their life, get them kicked out of the cult, and separated from their only support network. Even though you and I know none of those things are true, (well, being disfellowshipped is a real thing) they believe they are and it’s going to fuck with their head.
That said, they won’t stop unless you scare them away, and that’s probably the most harmless way to do it. 1 year ago
I bring them in, offer them tea and tell them what I think of the bullshit. After a few trips they come in for tea and we talk nicely about other things. 1 year ago 1 year ago
You misspelled ethical. 1 year ago
You can also make them never come back by saying ‘convert the car’ then hitting the keyfob and saying ‘see it even talks back’.