Seiken Densetsu 3 was the shit, I played it coop so much on one keyboard 😂. You can now get the official translated version and the 3d remake too.
Comment on Visions of Mana - Game Overview | Xbox Dev Direct 2024 1 year ago
So much talk about "what makes a Mana game" in there, and yet for me the one thing that made Secret of Mana a game that I cared about was the 3 player co-op that absolutely ruled. Still no indication that this game even has 2 player action. I was super disappointed when I could finally play a fan translation of Seiken Densetsu 3 on PC back in the day and it was only 2 player, and lately I've been increasingly disappointed as everything since has been a single player affair.
Call me crazy, but the series hasn't been great (it's still been good, just shy of great) since the SNES outings and I am really wish they'd get the game back to the multiplayer that made it great. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Yeah, I own Collection of Mana and Trials of Mana and played it both ways. Trials in particular has got me very excited for Visions, but I really hope that they're doing multiplayer and ideally 3 player to throw back to the greatest aspect of Secret. 1 year ago
I own the same haha. Trials not having multiplayer was a bit of a letdown. More detail would have been nice too but it was fun to see it all in 3d. I made it pretty far but never ended up beating that one. 1 year ago
Whilst your opinion here is totally valid, it’s worth knowing that as a coop player of the mana games, you are a very, very small minority of players.
Almost everyone plays these games single-player, so they need to focus on that first. You’re right that the secret of mana means coop for a lot of people, but also, it’s worth understanding that almost everyone doesn’t experience that. 1 year ago
No. Co-op. The rest of the shit is no different from any other carbon copy RPG. 1 year ago
Yeah, this is the real rub here. Without the co-op it's not really anything special, there are even games out there doing Action RPG better these days so I can't imagine why you'd choose to not embrace the couch/online co-op crowd that'd put this back at the head of the pack. 1 year ago
Seriously, I’ve been dying to find a good couch co-op game and I straight up can’t. I’m just gonna get two or three Bluetooth controllers and do secret of mana with my phone. 1 year ago
Again, my point is that whilst you absolutely feel that way. You are in the minority. The smallest of minorities. 1 year ago
Your mom is the smallest of minorities. Everyone knows that whoever has the most votes is definitively right! Smh 1 year ago
Interesting. I didn’t even know the Mana games had multiplayer. I’ve always played them for the replayability and character building (and the story, of course).
Being able to play the fan translation of Seiken Densetsu 3 in the early aughts was what really cemented my love for the series. I was ecstatic to learn that its remake was made so faithfully. 1 year ago
Seiken Densetsu 3 only having 2 player max is the highest injustice there is. I didn’t even know there was any Mana games after 3.