IBM is what a company that survived crossing to the other side of the enshittification fence looks like. They are profitable, for sure, but they have nothing of value to offer to an actual human being. They only speak corpo and their only semi-amiable relationships are with other corporate entities via contracts, negotiations, arbitration, and lawsuits. It’s functionally and physically incapable of communicating, offering a product or relating with an average real person, for they haven’t known what that is in at least three decades. 1 year ago
IBM has always been a business-to-business. Their name literally comes from International Business Machines. 1 year ago
I suppose the several IBM PCs I owned in the 80s and 90s were all just hallucinations. Useful hallucinations though, they taught me to use DOS and to program in BASIC. 1 year ago
I don’t think I claimed they don’t do consumer stuff but business stuff has always been their core business. 1 year ago
IBM wasn’t interested in PCs, and they were already enshittifyjng by then. 1 year ago
A company is not necessarily limited to the activities implied by its name. 1 year ago
Did I say that? OP complained that IBM has become so business oriented recently, but that has always been its core business. 1 year ago
It’s what it sounded like and I’m not the only guy who saw it that way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 1 year ago
They began that way, then they branched into personal computation when that became a thing. Then they took a machine gun to their feet in that market 1 year ago
It’s was too much hassle for too little profit. Their bread and butter is having regular people not remember they still exist. 1 year ago
Exactly this. The effort of selling one z Series is not one million times higher than selling a laptop, but the profit is.