1 year ago
Sending a notification that a renewal is coming up? Impossible, will cost a fortune.
Sending mountains of junk mail offering bundles and limited time offers? Clearly much cheaper and easier.
Also, think of the labor costs, retracing the call center staff to not spend hours trying to talk people out of canceling and instead just having them hit a button. Why, that’s got to force a price hike. 1 year ago
Our profit margins are hurting due to young people not wanting to work and not fully understanding the gift, the boon, the euphoria of owning a TV and paying for services you don’t use. This has nothing to do with our prices, lack of customer service, or our programming being flooded with repetitive drivel. 1 year ago
Hey now, I own a TV and pay for services I don’t use. Just not cable. I can’t justify spending that much on something I don’t use. $15 isn’t bad, but a decent cable package is like $100 last I checked and it’s still chock full of ads.
Gamepass has no ads, plus the added benefit of every now and then opening it up to see it has some of the games I just bought on Steam, which is a sign that they have good taste. 1 year ago
The real hurdle for me is the cost of leasing a cable box and other service fees. Cable bundles sound good on paper until I factor that cost in.