Comment on Border Crisis: Shocking Data Reveals Illegal Immigrants Outnumber American Births 1 year ago
The u.s. birt rate has been declining since the 2007 recession. It also declined during the great depression. This is a failing of u.s. economic policy. There's not enough regulations on businesses and the middle class is suffering. Many people don't think it's responsible to bring children into the world when there's no hope for a decent future for them. 1 year ago
That’s fine if birth rates are falling (to some extent) but they still shouldn’t be eclipsed by illegal immigration. 1 year ago
Although illegal migration numbers haven't changed much since 2005, the demographics of illegal immigrants have. It's important to ask why people are illegally migrating into the u.s. A more effective strategy would be to address those issues, especially because the u.s. greatly contributed to destabilizing South and Central America. 1 year ago
Amen to that.