Comment on Control - the first game to get me to turn on cheats in decades 1 year ago
as more of the weapon options showed up, I didn’t click with any of them and preferred chucking rocks.
This is probably why you had a bad time. You’ll eventually run out of mana or whatever. That’s when you have to switch to the gun.
Also each enemy has unique weaknesses so you can’t just throw things at all of them. This was a beautiful feature.
The only one I had to look up was how to beat the doctor. It was one of the last missions. And you just had to spam him with bullets from the first gun.
I’d get so damn lost
Each mission will tell you what area it’s in. Then you just go to the nearest fast travel point and travel to that area. Pretty straightforward. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Your weapons are mostly hitscan. If you use the Grip or the the Sniper, that’s easy enough to land hits with. 1 year ago
Are you using a controller? 1 year ago
No. Mouse + KB. I played through the game a while back though, I forced myself for the second half.
It was just a very unpolished experience, the gameplay was worse than ME1 as a comparison. Enemies spawning randomly, getting hit from behind with no radar, can't move around the battlefield because very squishy... And that's before we get into the garbage map and objective indications. 1 year ago
I don’t know what to tell you. That was not my experience at all. This is one of my favorite games of all time. And it has very high critical acclaim in general.
Then again I hated BG3, Firewatch, BoTW and all sorts of other popular games so, to each their own!