In what world is this one guy worth that much?
Are you serious? He’s worth way more than 63m, he’s the best CEO of any company in recent memory. The growth of Apple under Tim Cook will be studied for a long time.
Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook's total pay drops to $63 million for 2023. 1 year ago
If you figure each engineer costs apple $250,000 a year, that’s the equivalent of 250 engineers. Could you imagine what apple could accomplish with 5 extra engineering departments? In what world is this one guy worth that much?
In what world is this one guy worth that much?
Are you serious? He’s worth way more than 63m, he’s the best CEO of any company in recent memory. The growth of Apple under Tim Cook will be studied for a long time.
I got a picture of his ass in my wallet, if you just wanna kiss that.
Why do you have a picture of his ass in your wallet though?
never you mind sir!
I assume to be able to make jokes like this without being a filthy, dirty liar!
Not interested.
he won’t see this
Obviously the best CEO of all time was VOC’s CEO. Other CEOs are pale in comparison and should learn from his revolutionary leadership such as raising private army, monopolizing spice trades, device-and-conquering local kingdoms, and burning local crops to control CV commodities price /s
He’s in for a shout for sure.
What makes him the best?
He took over 8 years before the start of this graph.
So because the company is doing well it’s because of this one person’s leadership? That makes him great?
An engineer costs a lot more than that if they have health and life insurance and any other benefits through the company. Disclaimer - I don’t know if Apple employees have benefits.
Like, 10% more
250k is probably below the average pay for an Apple engineer. ICT3 numbers (just above every level SDE) are 230k and ICT4 are 340k. 500k isn’t that difficult at the more competitive software companies located in tier 1&2 markets.
As an engineer, this is bullshit
If we use our own criteria to evaluate Apple’s success (and wage distribution), then it makes no sense from its very beginning. Just like with any company.
I’m pretty sure that you could use one of those departments to fully automate management. Just go full data-driven and tie salaries to revenue. The engineers can take it from there, they’re plenty smart 1 year ago
Our world!
You know, the Clown World timeline!