My mother will click on anything that pops up on a screen and then go “ooh why did that happen”. She also has about 9,000 tabs open at any one time 8,300 of which are the same website.
Meanwhile on the other end of the scale my dad refuses to click anything so when he goes on a site on his phone he will view the site to the tiny sliver that is visible under the cookie warning because he won’t click any button ever. 1 year ago
I grew up with the internet and find it wild how other people navigate it. I was at a friends house and he used the computer there. The computer was a maleware infested piece of shit. If it was a horse, it would've been shot. He was buying concert tickets but it was so slow, it reminded me of my first computer with a 56kb modem. While the site was loading he was clicking on ads to play pool and other mini games, like it's completely normal. 1 year ago