God damn but that gun is smoking like a forest fire.
Everyone is downvoting as if this is a baseless conspiracy and ridiculous.
For those people, here’s a source
voracitude@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Huschke@lemmy.world 1 year ago
That is one explanation, but imho a more likely explanation in the spirit of Hanlon’s razor is that he receives 100s of crazy texts like this on a daily basis and one of them just happens to somewhat align with what crazy shit he is doing now.
GeneralVincent@lemmy.world 1 year ago
You should read the article. It details how Musk followed the text’s suggestions exactly, and is aligning himself closely with the same far right neo-nazis that begged him to buy Twitter and deplatform it.
Even if that exact text didn’t convince him, one of the well known far right political pundits has definitely tried. Free speech is like their worst enemy, they can’t let Twitter be open to all that free information.
Moira_Mayhem@lemmy.world 1 year ago
I bet that anon texter practically jizzed himself to see how much chaos a few words could create.
NikkiDimes@lemmy.world 1 year ago
But…how does NBC News have texts that Musk received…?