Comment on what if your cloud=provider gets hacked ? 11 months ago
"the cloud" does not change the fact that if you data does not reside in 2 physical locations you do not have a backup.
so yes, standard practices that have existed... well, since the beginning, still apply. 11 months ago
Well, the issue here is that your backup may be physically in a different location (which you can ask to host your S3 backup storage in a different datacenter then the VMs), if the servers themselfs on which the service (VMs or S3) is hosted is managed by the same technical entity, then a ransomware attack on that company can affect both services.
So, get S3 storage for your backups from a completely different company?
I just wonder to what degree this will impact the bandwidth-usage of your VM if -say- you do a complete backup of your every day to a host that will be comsidered as “of-premises” 11 months ago
yeah, you can use another cloud provider as backup.. if you do it correctly.
personally, my disaster recovery plans dont include entire offsite VMs. i only care about data in a dr situation. so you send incremental daily backups offsite.
containers have made VMs even more irrelevant/ephemeral so focus on the data. 11 months ago
I assume “data” includes your container configuration files in this strategy? 11 months ago
Those are pretty easy to store off site since they shouldn’t change often. 11 months ago
if you backup your vm data to the same provider as you run your vm on you don’t have an ‘off-site’-backup, which is one criteria of the 3-2-1 backup rule.