You hit the nail on the head. Apple needed to add a whole in-app purchase interface to the store UI to make it clear that the free game you’re about to download charges $50 for berries and the game is practically unplayable without them.
They now need to categorize apps as requiring a subscription as the only means to “buy” it or even just use it.
If the software is free to download but requires a subscription for the service, the button needs to say “Subscribe”, not “Get”. And the app info needs to show you, in loud type, the minimum buy-in cost. 1 year ago
The real issue is almost certainly that Hey doesn’t want to pay Apple 30% so you can’t do anything without an external subscription and they don’t allow you to pay with In App Payments/Subscriptions. 1 year ago
That’s exactly the same marketing plan as Neflix/Amazon prime/HBO Max… whatever. You download a FREE app but can’t do anything with it without a subscription. 1 year ago
Every single one of those apps supports in app payments/subscriptions.
So, no, you don’t.
And if Hey added that, they would be fine. 1 year ago
Last I checked you cannot sub from within the Netflix app. 1 year ago
That’s not quite correct. At least for Netflix I know that you can browse, add to watchlist etc. without a sub. Just need an account. So you can do something, just not watch anything. 1 year ago
We really need Apple to open their platform to other app stores. 1 year ago
I mean… maybe? I don’t actually care. My MIL will absolutely get tricked into downloading some spyware or scam app from some shady 3rd party App Store if they existed.
The walled garden approach isn’t for everyone - but I don’t actually mind it at all. 1 year ago
Leave the walled garden up. Just allow an opening of the user wants to. 1 year ago
Just because you married the daughter of someone dumb, the rest of us should suffer? Due to this walled garden approach, the big companies are carving pieces of once open Internet to create their own secluded corners which only stifles competition. I always liked apple as a technology company, but their transition into a lifestyle brand only emboldened their gatekeeping. I am glad they were forced to adapt to USB-C, and I hope that in future, they be forced to open their AppStore.