- Comment on This is true 1 year ago:
Indeed not because it’s a shitpost sub; it’s Neapolitan not Napoleon, Neapolitan meaning of Naples, Italy, they could have also used a Mille Feuille which we call a Napoleon in the US that he also didn’t have anything to do with except they were popular in fancy shops during his reign.
- Comment on Google workers complain bosses are 'inept' and 'glassy-eyed' 1 year ago:
Not for nothing, it doesn’t sound so successful.
Working with people is a very core skill. You suggest that this came out of the blue - but I would bet that there were a lot of missed signals on the way. Escalating straight to verbal warnings and demotion in role or responsibility means you’re missing something very fundamental in what wasn’t working or was missed.
- Comment on Is Intel gatekeeping WiFi 7? A very quick look at the Intel BE200. 1 year ago:
Should this link somewhere?
How could Intel gatekeep a standard that’s fairly open?
- Comment on My CR-10's had a good run but I made a slight upgrade today 1 year ago:
Why this over a Bambu?
- Comment on Can I infer a breach of Epic Games payment systems? 1 year ago:
Not if they only got log files from a period of time or something.
- Comment on Can I infer a breach of Epic Games payment systems? 1 year ago:
Or a breach of’s systems, lol.
- Comment on Hewlett Packard Enterprise to buy Juniper Networks in $14 bln deal 1 year ago:
Juniper did a pretty good job of that themselves over the last few years.
- Comment on Chick-Fil-A staff in the rain. 1 year ago:
Which states asked for CFA help? That seems ridiculous.
- Comment on Chick-Fil-A staff in the rain. 1 year ago:
Popeyes spicy chicken is so much better than either.
- Comment on Apple’s rejection of Hey calendar app revives an old feud 1 year ago:
- Comment on Apple’s rejection of Hey calendar app revives an old feud 1 year ago:
Every single one of those apps supports in app payments/subscriptions.
So, no, you don’t.
And if Hey added that, they would be fine.
- Comment on Apple’s rejection of Hey calendar app revives an old feud 1 year ago:
Sure, but it’s infinitely harder on iOS to install malware, I’m sure you’d agree.
It’s also easier to track down the publisher of a scam app to figure out who’s doing the scamming.
Simply put, I have less to worry about with older folks in my life using iOS than something else.
- Comment on Apple’s rejection of Hey calendar app revives an old feud 1 year ago:
First off, she isn’t dumb at all. Just easily overwhelmed by technology. She was suspicious and took the time to try to find apple’s phone number to call them, but probably got bit by someone scamming google’s SEO so google spit out a scam number.
They started using USBC on Macs and iPads forever ago. They weren’t forced to do anything. When they switched from 30 pin to lightning everyone was pissed. They guaranteed 10 years of support for lightning. Which drum roll… expired in 2022.…/apple-iphone-lightning-cable-anniv…
If you don’t like it, just buy android and windows devices? It’s not like there’s no choices and you’re screwed. It’s also noFirst off, she isn’t dumb at all. Just easily overwhelmed by technology. She was suspicious and took the time to try to find apple’s phone number to call them, but probably got bit by someone scamming google’s SEO so google spit out a scam number.
They started using USBC on Macs and iPads forever ago. They weren’t forced to do anything. When they switched from 30 pin to lightning everyone was pissed. They guaranteed 10 years of support for lightning. Which drum roll… expired in 2022.…/apple-iphone-lightning-cable-anniv…
If you don’t like it, just buy android and windows devices? It’s not like there’s no choices and you’re screwed. It’s also not like they changed their stance over time. Whether you bought iPhone 1 or iPhone 15 the experience has been more or less the same ecosystem wise.
- Comment on Apple’s rejection of Hey calendar app revives an old feud 1 year ago:
Apple does that for enterprise profiles and vpn profiles on the iPhone. Guaranteed you can talk most people into doing that without much trouble.
- Comment on Apple’s rejection of Hey calendar app revives an old feud 1 year ago:
The issue is for the technically illiterate it’s often not nearly as intentional.
No one reads pop ups or warnings, they just click ok when they’re told.
- Comment on Apple’s rejection of Hey calendar app revives an old feud 1 year ago:
I mean… maybe? I don’t actually care. My MIL will absolutely get tricked into downloading some spyware or scam app from some shady 3rd party App Store if they existed.
The walled garden approach isn’t for everyone - but I don’t actually mind it at all.
- Comment on Apple’s rejection of Hey calendar app revives an old feud 1 year ago:
The real issue is almost certainly that Hey doesn’t want to pay Apple 30% so you can’t do anything without an external subscription and they don’t allow you to pay with In App Payments/Subscriptions.
- Comment on Energy bills in Great Britain rise by 5% as price cap increases 1 year ago:
It prevents surprise bills. You know the maximum you’ll pay for the next 3 months.
- Comment on This 1 year ago:
😂 and so much ketchup. A1 is too spicy.
- Comment on This 1 year ago:
A middle class family couldn’t afford this much McDonald’s. They’d also have more taste and class than to serve this.
Agreed they could call many restaurants that offer catering. Or, he, his wife, or any of his adult children could have made a home cooked meal for stellar optics instead of this travesty.
- Comment on Is it time for 6G already? Traffic analysis says yep 1 year ago:
5G only has higher node density if you’re using mmWave, which is only happening in ultra dense places today, and mostly indoor/arena use - it isn’t very widely deployed.
5G might get you to within 50ft instead of 100ft, but it’s not getting you to 3ft of accuracy without mmWave, and that’s mostly because mmWave barely travels at all. You can’t be more than a couple hundred feet from the antenna and need unobstructed line of sight to it.
- Comment on Is it time for 6G already? Traffic analysis says yep 1 year ago:
Not really. All of the super high accuracy requires fairly specific circumstances that broadly don’t exist in the real world today.
And if they did, they’d be able to pinpoint your location just as well over 4G.
They can track you to within 100ft easily on 4G.
- Comment on Is it time for 6G already? Traffic analysis says yep 1 year ago:
They can pinpoint you almost as well on 4G.
- Comment on T-Mobile Will Soon Fine Some Third-Party Messaging Vendors $2,000 If They Send Illegal Spam | Cord Cutters News 1 year ago:
…yes they do. This is for vendors that use T-Mobile directly to send short codes. I.e. companies like Vonage and Twilio.
You can absolutely enforce fees against your direct customers for certain behaviors.
- Comment on Indian journalists targeted by Israeli spyware again: What do we know? 1 year ago:
In their case, they’re spying on journalists also. That’s not the only spying they’re doing.
- Comment on Indian journalists targeted by Israeli spyware again: What do we know? 1 year ago:
Certainly India. And literally every other sovereign state that spy on literally every other sovereign state.
- Comment on Indian journalists targeted by Israeli spyware again: What do we know? 1 year ago:
An Israeli company makes it, not Israel.
If you think that democracies do not spy on other countries, I’m not sure what to tell you.
- Comment on Indian journalists targeted by Israeli spyware again: What do we know? 1 year ago:
They bought it from an Israeli company. The company isn’t Israel the state.
- Comment on Shows how out of control inflation is 1 year ago:
Some localities and states. Federal minimum wage is $7.20.
- Comment on How have you personally found the Lemmy community compared to its competition and other social media? 1 year ago:
We don’t rule in the US, we govern with the consent of the people.
But yes, FDR was the tits. And a native New Yorker.