Guessing short sighted algorithms. Because you can see on Valves side of things, packages have been updated/added/etc this year which probably allows it to be picked up.
Comment on Did someone tell Steam it's not April 1st yet? 1 year ago
Everyone is mad about this but I still don’t understand how RDR2 was even nominated for Labor of Love, let alone won. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Valve loves money and it clearly shows. The steam awards just became an advertising tool, people in Valve had to write the paragraph about the game. 1 year ago
They do like money, but Valve also loves providing a service to people.
Nobody uses Epic Games, Origin, Ubisoft Connect, or because they want to, they use it because they have to.
Steam Awards is a bit janky sure, but to say that their inability to run pointless awards properly ruins the convenience and value that Steam brings to its users would be a gross overstatement. 1 year ago
Damn i only have EG and Gog accounts because of the free games… and Ubisoft because of the AC (except ~~Valhalla ~~, fk that), series . 1 year ago
No they don’t care about the service, we should be able to play games without steam client, we should be able to resell digital games, developers should not had to pay $100 non refundable fees to upload one game each time, etc.
Steam cares about money, it’s just that simple. 1 year ago
They’re a business, not a charity. OF COURSE they care about money. What’s nice is that they do it ethically and in a consumer-friendly way. 1 year ago
Are you able to resell digital games on Nintendos platforms? What about playstation or xbox? Wow, no you say? 1 year ago
The steam awards has paragraphs? 1 year ago
Only write-ups I could see was for the description of the award. I don’t remember if the games had write-ups during the voting period though. 1 year ago
It’s a popularity vote, players nominated and voted for the games 1 year ago
For the nominations users at least had the option to skip sections if they couldn’t think of anything to nominate. For the voting, in order to get the participation reward players had to vote for something in each category.
This led to a lot of users who don’t care about the actual voting and just wanting the participation to vote for the one game they recognized in the category. 1 year ago
Popularity based on trolling. Every year Labor of Love goes to Terraria or CSGO or something earnest like that.