As far as I know there are no EV chargers in my city, but I live in a rural town with a low population. According to google the nearest charger to me is 20 miles away in the next town over.
Comment on Fear Mongering About Range Anxiety Has To Stop — CT Governor Calls Out EV Opponents 1 year agoAre there no (or few) DC fast chargers in your city? In your described situation, I’d have no problem pulling into any number of DC fast chargers for 5 minutes to put $1.75 of kw into the car to give me plenty of charge for peace of mind. 1 year ago 1 year ago
If you can forgive how ad heavy it is, you could check You might be pleasantly surprised. 1 year ago
They are pretty far inbetween, but they do exist. Definitely going out of your way to get to one 1 year ago
Time commitment just to get to one, time commitment to charge, time commitment to get back on track to where you were going.
There’s plenty of places and points of time that this would be a big enough of an issue for people to push them away.
However, I think people should heavily consider one especially if they’re just going in and around town and have the luxury of being able to install a charger at their home/place of residence.