Be! Excited! Be, Be Excited! 1 year ago
The matches imitate a video game. Two TikTokers stream side-by-side, divided into “red” and “blue” teams. As a timer counts down from five minutes, they go to wild and kooky lengths to get their fans to send them these gifts.
The creativity to create things like these battles is interesting
We really are fleshy machines that just need our buttons pushed the right way to get us to obsess over almost anything 1 year ago 1 year ago
Hilarious. I can’t believe they actually did a Cash War. I watched a Twitch streamer joke about this a few years before Tik Tok existed 1 year ago
Canadians “bullying” a vTuber with red (>$100) superchats:
I don’t need to mention the total, do I? 1 year ago
Wow even money
We can even obsess over money what an eye opening thought
To scam and steal and do anything for money what a novel idea
Never thought of humans becoming fooled of their money before 1 year ago
It really is interesting and of course kind of sad. She was retired, living alone, a world traveler until the pandemic hit but plunged into isolation after that. While we might think it’s silly, I can emphasize with the appeal this might have to someone like that:
I remember my grandma would lock herself in a little room playing Tetris on the Nintendo for literally 8-10 hours a day. I imagine if she had lived to see tik tok, she’d be worse off then the lady in the article.