I actually enjoyed FNV a little bit on account of the cool setting, but I am also someone who absolutely doesn’t mesh with free open world stuff, it just all feels shallow and boring to me.
Just not my style of game.
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cod@lemmy.world 1 year ago
I keep starting a playthrough but have never gone through it all. Same with NV. I really enjoy the couple of hours I’ve put in but can’t seem to get around to finishing a playthrough. I enjoy it but never get hooked. Not sure why. They’re definitely very well made games though and I’m jealous of everyone who has it as one of their favourite games
I actually enjoyed FNV a little bit on account of the cool setting, but I am also someone who absolutely doesn’t mesh with free open world stuff, it just all feels shallow and boring to me.
Just not my style of game.
I find that open world rpg tend to have the worst of both worlds more than the best.
If I want to play an open world game, i’d rather just play a sandbox world where I can goof off and do whatever I want. When I want to play a good rpg, I’d rather have a direction to the game/quest with some bell and whistles on the side.
Open world rpgs tend to have weak quest lines and you can’t really goof off.
Yeah same. Open world to me is something like Minecraft. Building a redstone switched railway in the sky and shit.
IronRain@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Speaking for my favorite game of all time, New Vegas, you need to push through until you find something that captures your attention. There’s nothing you can really reach in the first 2 hours (for a first place through) that will pop out at you. But once you get that first “whoa” moment, you’re completely immersed. But you definitely need to a patient gamer in the beginning, because a vast desert provides a lot of empty, forlorn landscape (a lot of people hate this, but I love the desolate atmosphere).
cod@lemmy.world 1 year ago
I’ve got 5 days off work for Christmas so maybe I’ll start up a new playthrough and try to push through the initial stages. Got any advice?
IronRain@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Only to start off with the main quest and follow their instruction to start. It leads to you interest points, and you can gradually explore on your own from there. Talk to all the named characters you come across and check out everything you can. The scenic story telling is absolutely fantastic, especially once you soak in all the little details!
cod@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Appreciate it! I’ll do that then.