the printer says the hot end and bed are both ambient at 10C
Try leaving the hot end at ambient, turning on the heat bed to it’s printing temperature. Give it a while for everything to come up inside. considering room temp is around 20-22c or 68-73 F, it’s not quite as bad as i feared, but it could be better.
The heat bed should be able to warm it up a bit, but that is a very sharp differential, and drafts will cause problems. One thing to maybe try, is printing a tall brim. (basically a single-wall perimeter close to the part. They’re not as useful if you have an enclosure, but they can help shield a draft and keep some of the heat in from the bed better.)
Clogging could have happened if you’re trying to print too low in temperature, which, given the layer problems, that also looks likely. there’s a few variations, but you can try a cold pull to clear the nozzle (especially if it’s only partially clogged.) 1 year ago
What have your first layers looked like before this? The hard to remove skirt on prior prints is usually from your nozel being too close to your bed. 1 year ago
Before this they were typically ok - I did tram the bed again using a sticky note just to be safe. However, since I’m new, i’m still getting a feel (literally) for how much resistance is correct. 1 year ago
Yes, leveling too low can give you very strong adhesion. It’s worth noting that PEI beds tend to lose adhesion as they and the print cool down. I can remove cooled prints without much effort off my bed, bit hot prints take some more convincing.
You can set nozzle distance with a mechanical feeler, like your sticky note, but you will need to fine tune some based on things like extrusion temperature and type of filament. This guide was made for printers with auto bed leveling, but the pictures are helpful.
Here are some signs you’re too close to the bed: 1 year ago
That sounds exactly like my problem, I will adjust, thank you very much