So an O’Neil cylinder exploits rotation to simulate gravity. When set up properly it feels just like gravity we’re used to here on earth. That should at least help curb the effects of microgravity. Radiation shouldn’t be much of a problem as people would be living on the inside of the cylinder with meters of material between them and outer space. 1 year ago
And who’s paying to put all those gazillion bazillions of cubic tonnes of radiation shielding into space? 1 year ago
Not trying to defend Jeff here, but generally these kind of space megaprojects rely on manufacturing materials in space. I.e. capture an asteroid and use its material as the radiation shielding. Not that that’s currently anywhere near feasible ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 1 year ago
Yeah I read lots of sci-fi as a kid too. We’d be there by now except physics is a cruel and unyielding mistress. 1 year ago
I bet it won’t be Jeff.