- Comment on Extreme Grandpa 1 year ago:
‘Breaking’ FTW.
- Comment on Setting the bar absurdly high for the next date 1 year ago:
There should be a bump where his crotch is.
- Comment on Heists like seen in Die Hard I actually exist? 1 year ago:
What about the Millennium Falcon and the Kessel Run?!?
- Comment on EV Batteries Are Dangerous to Repair. Here’s Why Mechanics Are Doing So Anyway 1 year ago:
The whole repair thing should made super easy if we want EVs to succeed.
- Make all batteries use an easily swappable set of standard cell sizes.
- Make battery controllers standardised and swappable.
- …. Er… that’s it.
- Comment on EV Batteries Are Dangerous to Repair. Here’s Why Mechanics Are Doing So Anyway 1 year ago:
Worked fine for me! I’m not a subscriber to SA.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Guy looks like he’s straight out of prison.
- Comment on Merry ChristmaX 1 year ago:
Me too, but it didn’t really exist when I was 14.
- Comment on Merry ChristmaX 1 year ago:
My 14 yo would be stoked. He’s right into networking tech. Doesn’t really care about Nintendo.
- Comment on Wayfair CEO Niraj Shah tells employees to 'work longer hours' in year-end email 1 year ago:
Sounds a wee bit out of touch with reality. Sure, HE can spend as many hours as he wishes because it basically becomes almost a hobby to ‘work’ at whatever insane amount he gets paid. There’s really no incentive at the lower levels of any company unless there’s true equity and a return on someone’s sweat and diligence.
- Comment on Why does the gaming community (among others) have to be so destructive and toxic? 1 year ago:
Fat incel 40+ yo basement dwellers are unlikely to be positive people.
- Comment on People who dont particularly care for or celebrate Christmas, Whats your favorite Christmas song? 1 year ago:
Gulajh Gulajhah Gwanghwamun By the Human Centipedes.
Slappin’ tune.
- Comment on I’ll be waiting in the car 1 year ago:
Yes we do.
- Comment on US commits to landing an international astronaut on the Moon - This decade 1 year ago:
- Comment on Hyperloop One to Shut Down After Failing to Reinvent Transit 1 year ago:
Looks like a pretty crap ‘loop’. It’s a straight line 100 feet long. It doesn’t even go anywhere. Of course it’s a failure.
- Comment on Apple Develops Breakthrough Method for Running LLMs on iPhones 1 year ago:
- Comment on Apple Develops Breakthrough Method for Running LLMs on iPhones 1 year ago:
/s is for weaklings.
- Comment on Scientists unveil methane munching monster, 100 million times faster than nature 1 year ago:
Goddam Hydroxl Radicals keep sending drones to attack US ships! Iran needs an ass-kicking!
- Comment on Apple Develops Breakthrough Method for Running LLMs on iPhones 1 year ago:
Why the hell do we want to encourage people running MLMS on our phones?!! I don’t want to be part of some stupid pyramid scheme nonsense.
- Comment on Why didn't SBF flee? 1 year ago:
By hiding his face with his hands and insisting that “no one can see me” ?
- Comment on Too me in real life— 1 year ago:
Oh I see.
I had their first album on cassette tape in 1985. - Comment on Too me in real life— 1 year ago:
I don’t get it. It’s a dumb teen ‘edge lord’ shirt, but besides that so what?
- Comment on What's a word that means a common saying which is arguably untrue? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Does matcha tea need to be combined with milk or can I use water? 1 year ago:
There’s a short musical documentary about men who live to drink matcha.
Here is an internet link to this educational film called ‘Matcha Matcha Man’
- Comment on Reddit moderator rebellion: AI moderation is part of the solution 1 year ago:
AFAIAC anyone still engaging in Reddit is a fucking quisling and as guilty as Huffman. Fuck that whole ship and all who sail in it.
- Comment on Why didn't SBF flee? 1 year ago:
The world isn’t really the same as when you could bunk off mysteriously with a suitcase full of Ill-gotten loot. For one thing, that suitcase better be HUGE and magical so that only you can get into it. Also the interwebs reaches everywhere. Ain’t no place to hide.
- Comment on Suspected Chinese operatives using AI-generated images to spread disinformation among US voters, Microsoft says | CNN Politics 1 year ago:
Yeah except both China and Russia have clearly documented trolling factories where they churn out bullshit to stir trouble in the west.
- Comment on Suspected Chinese operatives using AI-generated images to spread disinformation among US voters, Microsoft says | CNN Politics 1 year ago:
Do they still execute people for treason?
- Comment on Suspected Chinese operatives using AI-generated images to spread disinformation among US voters, Microsoft says | CNN Politics 1 year ago:
Imagine the amount of jail /executions that the US government would need to implement to clean up all the fucking crooked treasonous politicians on the take from Russia/China.
- Comment on Twitter Moment 1 year ago:
The Homelander guy.
- Comment on Canada to announce all new cars must be zero emissions by 2035 1 year ago:
I’ve got a TOPSECRIT Kickstarter project going that uses (shhhh!) sails on cars. ZERO emissions, baby. Come sign up !