Comment on [Announcement] Sever Maintenance: Upgrade to Lemmy v0.19.0 (2023-12-20 06:00 CST) 1 year ago
This has the potential of causing a shinobu outage. So, people should be prepared for that for any shows that are running for that time period (in that sense, doing the upgrade as the seasons transition makes a lot of sense). The bot uses the pythorhead library to make its api calls to lemmy and 0.19 introduces breaking auth changes to the api. As far as I know, db0 hasn’t updated pythorhead to be 0.19 compatible yet. I have no doubt they will because I am sure they use it for a lot of the tooling that they have built around lemmy, but it might not be ready to go day 1. 1 year ago
Thanks for letting me know! I could hold back from upgrading to v0.19 for a while to avoid Shinobu downtime (or other problems), also considering that people might be using third party apps that aren’t v0.19 compatible yet. 1 year ago
Yeah, I think it is fine. db0 should update pretty quickly now that 0.19 is finalized. I tried a couple third party apps and the support is all over the place. The one I use the most is Boost which now supports both 0.18 and 0.19 (but still doesn’t support spoiler tags). Last I checked, Jerboa still didn’t support 0.19. If you are going to wait for third party apps, then it is a losing proposition. The improvements that are coming with 0.19 are really nice and probably worth some potential shinobu outage (especially with improvements coming in pict-rs as well). 1 year ago
Just to follow up on this that db0 updated pythorhead to be 0.19 compatible. So, all good to go!
Also, paging to give you a heads up to update your pythorhead. 1 year ago
Nice! I’ll push through with updating to Lemmy v0.19 this Thursday then.