Calm down. Yes, of course there are a few people who can, but fortunately most of them live in that small part of the world that is still outside the US.
Comment on xkcd #2868: Label the States 1 year ago
Unless you're including all the minor islands and territories, the U.S. only has 50 states to speak of. I know I could identify my state, Texas, Hawaii, California and a couple others. If there are people who can name up to 50 states and where they are on a map, that's pretty damn impressive! 1 year ago 1 year ago
That's true. I doubt most U.S. citizens could actually name most of the states or their locations on a map of the U.S. All I'm saying is that if they can, that's pretty impressive - because so many young people today can't even name a country at random. 1 year ago
Look a little closer at the map.
I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to do it. I have faith. 1 year ago
I did finally. My bad for not spotting the anomalies right off. See, your wonderful christian attitude was so helpful. 1 year ago
Why are you giving Christianity a monopoly on faith? 1 year ago
I think in this country, Christianity does have a monopoly on faith. And monopoly is a good word to use, because religion is really just big business and those who make the most money hold all the cards.