By complexity I mean plug-and-play. But, I guess it’s not a valid assumption I made.
Comment on Prusa or Bambu? 1 year ago
What do you mean by complexity? An i3 style cartesian peinter will have fewer motors, shorter belt paths, fewer bearings and what have you, etc.
A CoreXY printer will be able to move faster than a cartesian peinter and will accelerate a ton faster too. That said, if you really want to cut print times you need a larger nozzle and thicker extrusion widths.
Prusas are generally reliable workhorses. Bambu is newer on the screen, but fairly well liked. Personally, I’m not sure how I feel about some of the cloud infrastructure and closed source components.
I’m not sure if you’ve considered Vorons. If not, take a quick look at the trident and/or the 2.4. The build will be fairly involved, but you will have a super solid base that has a lot of community support. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Except that vorona are close to double the price. Not everyone has that budget.
Kits on 3djake which has decent prices normally are 1650€ for a 300mm voron 1 year ago
A 250mm V2.4 is about 1200€. A trident is less than that and is more comparable to the Bambu. 1 year ago
Where? I can’t find one in continental Europe. 1 year ago
Voron doesn’t sell anything, you either have to source all the materials yourself or buy a kit. I bought a kit from formbot when I built my V0 and have been pretty happy with it. They also sell V2.4 kits and have a warehouse in Czech 1 year ago
Check out magic phoenix for voron kits. Good price with included upgrades/mods out of the box. 1 year ago
I can only speak from the perspective of US available parts. The trident is a much closer ‘competetor’ to Bambu’s offerings, so I will use that as the comparison. Since Bambu’s offerings are 256mm^3 I’ll compare against the 250mm^3 trident.
Note that there are some sales going on for the various offerings below, but the trident is only somewhat more expensive once you factor in things like ASA/ABS for the printed parts.
Bambu’s X1c is $1,200 Bambu’s B1B is $600
A LDO bom-in-a-box trident is $1,200 A Formbot bom-in-a-box trident is $650
I was able to print functional prints on my old i3 clone with two spools of ASA, so add $70 there. All I did to my i3 clone was tape together a couple of cardboard boxes to make a quick/dirty enclosure.