Comment on Prusa or Bambu? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

What do you mean by complexity? An i3 style cartesian peinter will have fewer motors, shorter belt paths, fewer bearings and what have you, etc.

A CoreXY printer will be able to move faster than a cartesian peinter and will accelerate a ton faster too. That said, if you really want to cut print times you need a larger nozzle and thicker extrusion widths.

Prusas are generally reliable workhorses. Bambu is newer on the screen, but fairly well liked. Personally, I’m not sure how I feel about some of the cloud infrastructure and closed source components.

I’m not sure if you’ve considered Vorons. If not, take a quick look at the trident and/or the 2.4. The build will be fairly involved, but you will have a super solid base that has a lot of community support.
