Comment on Top 50 defederated instances 1 year agoI bet a large part of the Fediverse are Communist/Socialist too, or have similar ideas. Lemmy’s devs are, after all.
I mean, the whole thing is based on the idea of being free to use for everyone. 1 year ago
I see your Point. I see myself also as rather left. But the People over at Lemmygrad are not really left imo. They are authoritarian, for sure. But left? I don’t know. I don’t want to claim to be the sole “Incarnation of leftism” it’s just that many of my views and beliefs are the opposite of theirs. 1 year ago
Being vehemently against racism and fascism is left. It’s the logical extreme opposite of “a certain group of people are superior to everyone else”: “everyone is equal and their basic necessities should be provided for free”
You just seem to disagree with the folks over on grad and Lemmy devs on how that can be achieved, and maybe to what extent it should be. They believe an authority is necessary to enforce those rules, or you get corporations and billionaires steering the government to wage wars for profit from oil, materials etc. like what’s happening now.
Personally, I see being pro-China like they are on grad as much less worrying than being pro-US, the latter of which I have a feeling .world mods wouldn’t block because of their western bias. Only one of the two countries have constantly invaded other countries for their resources and overthrown democratically elected foreign governments to replace them with military dictatorships. 1 year ago
The People of Tibet might disagree there. But this is a discussion for another Time.
I’m not pro US either, tho. I just call out evil when I see it. And that’s my Problem with Lemygrad. They seem to believe there are only two sides. I can say America does bad things and China, Russia etc. does bad things. They pick one side and argue and justify away the crimes “their” Side has done. And that’s not how we come forward. Evil is Evil is Evil. No matter who does it. 1 year ago
That’s a heavy oversimplification of everything on there… I see the folks on grad being mad about bad decisions by China just the same; they just heavily scrutinize negative news for bias or misinfo, as people should do for everything.
If you do scrutinize your news and sources, I think it’s only natural that you’d end up being very anti-west/imperialism, and far less anti-China, specially considering the grip western media and news have on the world. The two are just not equivalent at all.
Here’s an example of that. The fact that ~90% of Tibetans can speak their cultural language compared to the ~8% of North Americans that can speak theirs means they’re just not comparable or equivalent. The only countries accusing China of such a fucked up crime like cultural repression are western ones with a political/economic interest for doing so. Muslim countries and the global south side with China on this and Xinjiang. 1 year ago
I would say pro Putin people can’t be called leftists they are nazis in red. 1 year ago
I don’t think they’re pro-Putin? Seem to be as much against Russian imperialism and capitalism as they are for US. 1 year ago
The spectrum is more than left and right, I know political compass memes on Reddit got taken over by nazis but there is legitimately a whole compass. Stalin is somewhat center left, nudist hippie communes are lower left corner 1 year ago
There is, for better or worse, authoritarianism on the left. “You will be fed and given a place to stay and personal safety… or else!” Even in its more benign forms (ex Bolshevism) it’s kinda bad imo. When it gets extreme it gets… well… being an English speaker i’m sure you’ve heard all about it. 1 year ago
Not really, but I’m actually not a native English speaker tho 😅 1 year ago
Bolshevism is pretty fucking far from benign considering it is the origin of authoritarian leftistism.