After which the AI will be shut down and unable to kill any more, and next time we build systems like that we’ll be more cautious.
I think that’s an overly simplistic assumption if you’re dealing with advanced A(G)I systems. Here’s a couple Computerphile videos that discuss potential problems with building in stop buttons: AI “Stop Button” Problem (Piped mirror) and Stop Button Solution? (Piped mirror).
Both videos are from ~6 years ago so maybe there’s been conclusive solutions proposed since then that I’m unaware of. 1 year ago
While I appreciate the nitpick, I think it's likely the case that "kills a bunch of people" is also something we want to avoid... 1 year ago
Oh, certainly. Humans in general just have a poor sense of scale, and I think it's important to keep aware of these sorts of things. I find it comes up a lot in environmentalism and the lack of nuance between "this could kill a few people" and "this could kill everyone" seriously hampers discussion.