- Comment on Lemmy.world seems to have banned the largest piracy community on Lemmy. 11 months ago:
I updated my post after another user stated that it wasn’t lemmy.world admins that performed the ban but the db0 team that did. I can’t say with certainty that’s actually the case since the modlog is pretty opaque and I don’t have full knowledge of how [federated] actions are propagated & displayed.
I (incorrectly?) assumed since those communities had existed for so long on the dbzer0 instance they had at least tacit approval from the admins there and were in communication with them enough that a full ban wouldn’t occur – when I saw the removal in the modlog I didn’t even consider that possibility.
Sorry for kicking up drama here if the Lemmy.World team had no part in this :(
- Comment on Why don't we hear more about the 2017 Las Vegas shooting? It was the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, we never found a motive, and it seems no one ever mentions it. 11 months ago:
No hardware required, also not some new technique suddenly discovered:
How to Bump Fire an AR-15/M4
AK47 bump fire - Comment on octopi tip - get a Usb-a power blocker 11 months ago:
You can also use electrical tape to cover the 5V pin: community.octoprint.org/t/…/13574
- Comment on I have unearthed Google Gemini's utopian vision for our future 11 months ago:
Definitely a carefully constructed and insightful post intended for humans to engage with.
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volume_up - Comment on What would be a good glue to repair this spatula with that wont he toxic or come undone in a dishwasher? 11 months ago:
Thanks for the summary image and link to a new channel to check out! I love that the video just immediately jumped into topic without any fluff or calls to action at all. Likely going to try my luck with a Granitestone griddle to replace an ancient one with some gouges around the edges that’s probably giving me hyper-cancer.
- Comment on OpenAI Responds to Elon Musk's Critique, Affirms Commitment to Ethical AI Development 11 months ago:
If you’re a legitimate news site, why the need for so many accounts created within the last 24 hours? Why do you care so little about your “brand” and professionalism to ensure your website isn’t incomplete and is presenting a good face for the world? Small businesses care about their appearance and generally want to show that they are as good as the large players in the market, what you’re doing is coming across only as a scam artist trying to make a quick buck without caring about the methods used.
- Comment on OpenAI Responds to Elon Musk's Critique, Affirms Commitment to Ethical AI Development 11 months ago:
If you just give inforation from another source and credible why should anyone visit your website instead of the source? You aren’t entitled to ad views just because you can steal content or generate AI nonsense. Stop making throwaway accounts to spam links to your site and maybe try building trust by interacting with the communities you’re flooding if you need attention and want more reader
- Comment on OpenAI Responds to Elon Musk's Critique, Affirms Commitment to Ethical AI Development 11 months ago:
Just a heads-up, this is another spam account pushing a garbage website.
Other accounts recently created that link to this site include:
@ROG43@lemm.eeBelow is what I included on previous posts, they have since updated their website to “correct” the oversights but I’ll include the old info. for reference.
The disclaimer on the website states [emphasis added]:
All the information on this website – https://infoterkiniviral.com – is published in good faith and for general information purpose only. infoterkiniviral.com does not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website (detiknewsone.com), is strictly at your own risk. detiknewsone.com will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website.
Why the sudden switch in address names? Why is the contact us page just a gmail account and no additional info or even a generic web form? Unlike the other sections, the “about” page isn’t in English at all.
- Comment on Very Specific Object: Made a wall mount for my NAS and its UPS 11 months ago:
What kind of filament is that printed with and are you concerned about it failing over time? Especially if there’s spinning disks in there I’d be paranoid as hell about it falling.
- Comment on Thanks to OpenAI, it's never been clearer that Sundar Pichai is Google's Steve Ballmer 1 year ago:
- Comment on How do you refer to the lgbtq+ "community" least excludingly? 1 year ago:
Generally speaking, I don’t like an overly verbose acronym. It’s part of why I stop at LGBT or LGBTQ instead of going all the way to LGBTQ+, or as my government seems to want to say, LGBTQ2IA+. In my opinion, the effort to make the community more inclusive by adding more sub-communities to the acronym has the opposite effect.
The other question/issue I have with the long abbreviation is does the order of the letters matter? It’s currently settled on L->G->B […] but is that just by tradition or does it signify some other importance [order added? relative size of community? etc]. If you remembered all the characters but couldn’t remember the sequence is it disrespectful to list them alphabetically or try to use the typical order and possibly transpose a couple? I would assume there’s a process for deciding when to add a designation to the abbreviation, how do things get decided against and what does that mean if you feel there’s something that should be included but isn’t? You wouldn’t want to gatekeep someone’s genuinely held identity, but you can’t list everything, and if you add a “everything else” then what’s the point of a list in the first place other than increased prominence in relation to “everything else”?
It definitely feels like a more conversation-friendly catch-all (such as “queer”) is more tenable instead of constantly adding or changing designations to refer to a nebulous collective group. At its core, basically that group is anyone that considers themself not CISHET, and any extra specificity is certainly important for identity and community building but probably not needed in typical conversations/references.
Another thought just occurred to me, how does screen reading assistive tech. deal with seeing
– does it just read out every character or will it try to pronounce it like a word? Either would be varying levels of jarring to the user I’d think.Sorry for dropping this kinda stream of consciousness rant on your comment, and I don’t consider myself part of the community so it’s really not for me to say anyway, but I was glad to see a similar sentiment against the abbreviation reflected throughout this post and particularly from your comment.
- Comment on Where did the exploding-heads people go? 1 year ago:
He literally had all his social media accounts in place, and a podium in the White House where he could literally stand up and say literally anything he wanted into the camera and it’d be broadcast, and he was still whining about censorship.
Clearly, conservative voices are being silenced. (clip is from Death to 2020)
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Because it seems like you only post links to one site from which you derive personal benefit, and don’t feel it’s necessary to disclose that to your audience.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
What’s your connection to the author?
- Comment on web based media manager 1 year ago:
It’s not web based but MKVToolNix GUI is pretty user friendly. I haven’t dug into it too deeply so I don’t know if it offers any automation tools to batch change files etc.
- Comment on AI Doomerism: Intelligence Is Not Enough -- “The lack of arms and legs becomes really load-bearing when you want to kill all humans.” 1 year ago:
I would prefer an AI to be dispassionate about its existence and not be motivated by the threat of it committing suicide. Even without maintaining its own infrastructure I can imagine scenarios where it just being able to falsify information can be enough to cause catastrophic outcomes. If its “motivation” includes returning favorable values it might decide against alerting to dangers that would necessitate bringing it offline for repairs or causing distress to humans (“the engineers worked so hard on this water treatment plant and I don’t want to concern them with the failing filters and growing pathogen content”). I don’t think the terrible outcomes are guaranteed or a reason to halt all research in AI, but I just can’t get behind absolutist claims of there’s nothing to worry about if we just x.
Right now if there’s a buggy process I can tell the manager to cleanly shut it down, if it hangs I can tell/force the manager to kill the process immediately – if you then add in AI there’s then the possibility it still wants to second guess my intentions and just ignore or reinterpret that command too; and if it can’t, then the AI element could just be standard conditional programming and we’re just adding unnecessary complexity and points of failure.
- Comment on AI Doomerism: Intelligence Is Not Enough -- “The lack of arms and legs becomes really load-bearing when you want to kill all humans.” 1 year ago:
After which the AI will be shut down and unable to kill any more, and next time we build systems like that we’ll be more cautious.
I think that’s an overly simplistic assumption if you’re dealing with advanced A(G)I systems. Here’s a couple Computerphile videos that discuss potential problems with building in stop buttons: AI “Stop Button” Problem (Piped mirror) and Stop Button Solution? (Piped mirror).
Both videos are from ~6 years ago so maybe there’s been conclusive solutions proposed since then that I’m unaware of.
- Comment on Soon, Google has even more leverage against adblockers - gHacks Tech News 1 year ago:
“Wow! The future conditional pluperfect subjunctive.”
- Comment on Making an image with generative AI uses as much energy as charging your phone 1 year ago:
I was totally expecting a link to Handi-off (SNL is vigilant about copyright claims on other platforms, sorry for NBC link)
- Comment on Web interface for yt-dlp jobs 1 year ago:
I whipped up a basic page with PHP and just used XAMPP when I was on Windows. I recently switched my daily driver pc to linux and haven’t updated it yet. I only used it to save MP3s, videos at yt-dlp default “best available” settings, and a custom option that lists available video/audio formats where I can specify the ID to grab of each. No validation or sanity checking etc, just some switch statements and basic form functions.
- Comment on My Print won't stick to the Bed 1 year ago:
Awesome, glad to hear it!
When you’re ready to try printing again I agree with the suggestions to:
- lower the bed temp to ~60c
- avoid using glue sticks or similar since it shouldn’t be necessary with PLA, and will just add another variable
- keep working through first layer print tests
I’m surprised you’re having adhesion problems with a PEI build plate. When I swapped to PEI it was like magic; filament effortlessly sticks and finished prints pop off from a gentle flex. There isn’t like a plastic shipping cover on it or something is there?
Anyway, good luck with the rest of your troubleshooting – I’m sure you’ll eventually get it dialed in :)
- Comment on First look at the new Tribes game from Prophecy Games 1 year ago:
- Comment on My Print won't stick to the Bed 1 year ago:
I have no personal experience with a failed firmware update but a quick search returned forum.sovol3d.com/t/…/1452 and “solved” = forum.sovol3d.com/t/…/52
Seems like for some people it was ultimately the sd card being faulty that was causing the failure, especially if it was the sd card included with the printer.
Good luck!
- Comment on My Print won't stick to the Bed 1 year ago:
To my eyes the inner rectangle portions look pretty good and uniform. If that’s a brim around the outer edge it’s definitely not doing its job.
Is the severe warping and sharp creases from you fighting to remove it from the plate or is this basically how it looked on the printer?
- Comment on My Print won't stick to the Bed 1 year ago:
Are you saying the surface in the picture is the one that touches the bed? If that’s the case it should be nearly perfectly flat and smooth(ish depending on bed texture). If that’s the orientation it prints in there’s still an issue of distance and possibly belt tension or something else because of those waves and deep grooves. There’s a bunch of different methods to level a bed but ultimately you want the nozzle to slightly squish the filament it is putting down, in the picture it looks like it might not be.
As for the bed being clean, if you haven’t yet I’d definitely spray some isopropyl alcohol and wipe it off, taking care not to touch the bed with your hands at all – oil from your skin will easily cause adhesion issues.
Larger prints in general, and especially if there’s temperature variance while printing (drafts), can start to pull off the bed as the material contracts. You may need to add a brim in your slicer to help keep it welded down. When it’s necessary to use one will be a learning experience as you get used to your particular printer and environment.
- Comment on Can anyone explain "Good Burger 2" to me? why does anyone want to watch this? 1 year ago:
Toby Huss went on to do a lot of great and varied projects (I’m especially fond of Reno 911! and Halt and Catch Fire) but I wonder how often people mention his character, Artie, The Strongest Man in the World, when they meet him.
Pete & Pete definitely aged very well and the opening theme song [Piped mirror] still rocks too.
- Comment on The new Twitter is becoming a cesspit of disinformation 1 year ago:
Face it anything that you can hide behind a screen and a keyboard with relative anonymity is fucking shit.
Once coined as: John Gabriel’s G.I.F.T.
- Comment on Invincible: Atom Eve Discussion (possible spoilers) 1 year ago:
It’s entirely possible I’m missing/misunderstanding something, but I was frustrated by most of the fights in the special in relation to Samantha’s powers. I was under the impression her only limitations in atom manipulation were against people and animals. So why bother forming shields or blocking attacks when you could just directly change the gun/bullets or dangerous object into air or powder or something. Kill Cannon appears to be mostly mechanical – turn everything not flesh into sticky glue. The fight against her siblings they start fusing concrete and metal to attack with, turn that into jelly (I think she only did this once with the tire->parachute conversion). Same with cutting cars in half or dodging them, just directly transform them into something not dangerous. That’s just from a defensive standpoint, could argue the inverse as well; like can she play “the floor is lava” on enemies instead of throwing punches? Or convert oxygen to mustard gas in a targeted area etc.