1 year ago
I read about one of these guys breaking sick arm bone lol. On the other hand, where I live, these guys have to literally go through similiar shit like physiologists so theyre as safe as any other quack with paper is. I have mixed feelings. 1 year ago
Yeah, that’s kind of where I’m at. I don’t want to give any credit to pseudoscience, but but I also know chiropractors receive at least some real medical training, at least in regards to basics like anatomy. I’ve known people who studied chiropractic medicine (and acupuncture, which I put in the same category), and they were not idiots or scammers. And of course so many people swear by their chiropractors. I don’t consider patient testimonials a replacement for scientific studies, but until I see a study that explains why so many people feel that way (in specific terms, not just a general reference to the placebo affect), I find it hard to completely dismiss. 1 year ago
As an anecdotal evidence, I’ve visited chiropractors twice. One was pretty wierd and didn’t do much in terms of massage but succeeded to make my muscles relax somewhat. Another one was applying quite a lot of force but hopefully didn’t make any damage. Both were somewhat successful for very short-term neck ache improment.
Long term I should do gymnastics, that works better and is safer, but as of lately I don’t 😞 1 year ago
Did you have any bone issues in neck or just muscle pain. 1 year ago
I do have scoliosis, but issues were purely with muscles.
Well, I’m not sure how that’s called, like stretching neck muscles, doing different exercises with elastic rope that loads neck and spine, and such. It seems to be different complex with every other practitioner that’s teaching what to do, but what worked best for me is standing on elastic rope holding it in both hands and lifting hands to T-pose (not an advice, consult a medic insted)