because having access to iMessage - and now right-colored bubbles - is a big part of why Americans go Apple to begin with.
Do you have something supporting this? I was the only iPhone user in my family years ago, now everyone in my family has one. They switched because their Androids were slow, buggy and had issues. Over time they decided to try iPhones and now their perception of iPhone is that it just works better and smoother than Android.
I think some go Apple for status, but still others go with it because they’ve personally had a better experience. For older people there’s probably also an element of support from their younger family. If their kids, grandkids etc. have iPhones then they can get help from them because they’re familiar with the device.
I use an iPhone and many other Apple products because I work in IT. I get tired of troubleshooting other people’s tech issues and I can come home and my Apple stuff all just works. I don’t think it’s the best, I actually have a Windows gaming computer and an Ubuntu box as a home server but the Apple ecosystem works well together and means I’m not still wearing my IT hat at home all the time.
The teen bullying is a social problem but it’s not that different than Starter jackets when I was in elementary school, branded sports apparel (particularly Nike) when I was in middle school, and having a pager when I was in high school.
I don’t really care what color the bubbles are when I send messages, as long as the go through. 1 year ago
This is such a load of BS. Who would make a phone decision based on the color of chat bubbles in one particular app?
I don’t know anyone who pays attention to such things and it seems particularly trivial. Unless you can actually identify real cases, this is just a non-issue made up and kept alive in media 1 year ago
It’s not literally about the color. The way iMessage works is if everyone in a group chat is using it you can send high quality video and images over it. However if you have a single non-imessage user (i.e. android user) it disabled that for everyone and defaults to MMS video/pic quality. You can see how that would obviously lead to immense peer pressure to not be the one making all of your friends experience worse, or risk just never being in those group chats. 1 year ago
Literal children.