Comment on Not the hero we deserve, but the one we need. ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

We just don’t learn, do we?

Stop putting celebrities on a pedestal.

This bullshit celebrity hero worship has to stop. Fran was funny (and quite fetching) on The Nanny. What she is doing during the strike is great and all, but she is also anti-vaxx.

This is the problem that happens when our society puts these celebrities on a higher level than everyone else. Appreciate the work they have done on and off screen, but realize that they are just human and in the case of Fran, she is a little loopy when it comes to vaccine issues. She’s not someone we should look up to. None of these celebrities are. Look up to your dad or a fireman or that really good social studies teacher you had in 6th grade.
