- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
- This is a privilege a lot of city kids don’t have
- No to fires lmao wtf
- They only did that stuff because there was literally nothing else to do. Not because it was more fun.
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
Under the bridge is where the junkies hang out and you’re a shit patent if you want your kids messing around construction sites lmao
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
Ew you talk with your mouth full
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
So then parents should just not get their kid a smartphone and stop trying to police everyone else’s kids. It really is that simple
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
I grew up in the 90s and my entire childhood neighborhood is concrete now. The overgrown wash where we built forts is gone. The desert surrounding the area? Gone. It’s just roads, shitty apartment buildings, and cement for miles. Maybe it didn’t change for you but my kids could never grow up the same way that I did there. Most of the more wild areas are gone. Banished to the outskirts of town now. Hell, we don’t even really have sidewalks and hardly anything is walkable due to traffic. It has everything to do with cars in plenty of places.
- Comment on A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco 1 year ago:
I would guess that most of them consider themselves homeless. Especially if they’re living in those makeshift tent cities. Either way, they are homeless if they don’t have an address.
- Comment on A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco 1 year ago:
It’s not a lifestyle if it’s not by choice. Try finding a job without an address. The people that do it as a “lifestyle” are usually just wealthy turds or social media dweebs larping as happy families on the road despite their kids being obvious miserable
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro Owners Are Struggling to Figure Out What They Just Bought 1 year ago:
You’re definitely not like a poor person if you’ve got $3,500 lol
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro Owners Are Struggling to Figure Out What They Just Bought 1 year ago:
I still have my old dev version of the Oculus. It came with fancy changeable lenses lol. I don’t regret that one at all and now it kinda feels like a little piece of history
- Comment on Disgustang 1 year ago:
At this point all my dead relatives saw me go through my teenage years anyway. Nothing should shock them anymore lol
- Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 1 year ago:
This is a bit unfair. There are lots of circumstances that result in children that weren’t planned. Lots of millennials grew up being told to just pop out the babies and the rest will happen. No the fuck it doesn’t. Not anymore anyway. Maybe that was true at some point but now what happens is they have to work harder than ever while daycare raises their kids. Meanwhile, they have to work a second job to just pay for daycare. When I was a kid I remember my mom getting a lot more gov assistance than seems to ever happen for people now. It was rough but we never had to worry a out keeping a roof over our heads or food on our table. Half those life changing programs are gone now. At least in my area.
- Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 1 year ago:
Oh, well in that case it’s also really important that I win the lottery
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
They’re built differently depending on where you live in the states and your environment. I know y’all love staying ignorant to feel superior but this one is still pretty dumb. People in Japan practically have paper walls and I don’t see you guys all up your snobby butts about that. Xenophobic turds
- Comment on Police Departments Are Turning to AI to Sift Through Millions of Hours of Unreviewed Body-Cam Footage 1 year ago:
Your point?
- Comment on Zoom is cutting about 150 jobs, or close to 2% of its workforce 1 year ago:
Not just tech. I know GEICO (insurance company) has laid off a few thousand at least. They’re also union busting bitches.
- Comment on Police Departments Are Turning to AI to Sift Through Millions of Hours of Unreviewed Body-Cam Footage 1 year ago:
So, really not any different than now
- Comment on Police Departments Are Turning to AI to Sift Through Millions of Hours of Unreviewed Body-Cam Footage 1 year ago:
Ah yes, the metric measurement of time. My favorite.
- Comment on Police Departments Are Turning to AI to Sift Through Millions of Hours of Unreviewed Body-Cam Footage 1 year ago:
It’s not impossible to understand or scrutinize. They give it specific things to look for. It does what it’s told. You can make the argument that ANY tool used by the police will be misused. AI isn’t special for that by any means. It’s not like we bother to hold anyone accountable for anything else anyway. Maybe the AI will be less biased
It’s definitely not doing the same work as a human if humans are spared sifting through hours upon hours of less useful footage. I’m sure they’re testing it etc. Nobody goes all in on this stuff. Really, you guys can be so very dramatic lol
- Comment on A ‘Shocking’ Amount of the Web Is Already AI-Translated Trash, Scientists Determine 1 year ago:
It’s getting to the point where I have to use AI to help me sift through all the AI bullshit :(
- Comment on As an OG Reddit Sync user of over 10 years, all this arguing really brings a tear to my eye. 🥲 1 year ago:
It’s kinda great though isn’t it? Reminds me of old times. Do you think we’ll relive the android vs iOS wars soon? Oh, omg… Have we done the grilled cheese vs melt thing here yet???
- Comment on As an OG Reddit Sync user of over 10 years, all this arguing really brings a tear to my eye. 🥲 1 year ago:
Whaaaat noooo. Silly. The dev should just cater to people with money or quit their source of income and be happy… Or something?
- Comment on As an OG Reddit Sync user of over 10 years, all this arguing really brings a tear to my eye. 🥲 1 year ago:
I don’t know about doing good or harm but I’ve used sync for reddit for years and years. The dev isn’t some big corporation and that’s generally enough for me. I’ll support them as long as their app has the experience that I prefer. I tried a few different apps until sync came out and I really gave them all a fair shot but none of them felt right. The fact that so many users bailed to Lemmy because Reddit broke third party apps and then turned around and got up people’s butts for using specific third party apps is kind of hilarious to me. A huge wave of users came here for sync etc and people are trying to push them away or bully them like reddit did? They might not be bullying for the same exact reason but it’s got the same vibe imo.
- Comment on As an OG Reddit Sync user of over 10 years, all this arguing really brings a tear to my eye. 🥲 1 year ago:
Feel better now?
- Comment on lemmy.fmhy.ml is gone [update from the team] 1 year ago:
I’m sorry but for the good of all instances I’m afraid you will need to become a lurker 😔
- Comment on 'FUCK SPEZ': Reddit Users Unite to Turn r/Place Mural Into a Protest 1 year ago:
Incompetent at not being a piece of shit
- Comment on People who haven't gotten into habit of googling stuff in the last 20 years might not get into it at all anymore because of how search engines are gamed with SEO spam tactics nowadays 1 year ago:
What’s been pissing me off for years now is googling a specific company and getting a wall of advertisements for their competitors first. So. Dirty.
- Comment on Not the hero we deserve, but the one we need. 1 year ago:
I wish we lived in a world where we could count on people to just do the right thing but we don’t. On issues that put everyone at risk I unfortunately have to stand on the side of mandates until people learn how to act. Personally I’d still rather that they just get naturally excluded from society but we’re all too split for that and too many people have to needlessly die in the meantime.
- Comment on Apple says it will remove services such as FaceTime and iMessage from the UK rather than weaken security if new proposals are made law and acted upon. 1 year ago:
Other than their asinine charging cable/accessory situations I consistently find myself agreeing with Apple pretty much any time any government body or group is mad they won’t do something.
- Comment on Not the hero we deserve, but the one we need. 1 year ago:
I don’t know but mine was 17 hours ago and yours was 17 mins ago which is kinda neat
- Comment on Not the hero we deserve, but the one we need. 1 year ago:
Yet somehow you guys are always the first to play the victim even to something that’s still theoretical. Like your comment here. Amazing example.