Problem is, i havent enabled my TPM and don’t plan to, either.
TPM just gives your PC a non-spoofable fingerprint so Microsoft can always identify your PC. It’s simply a DRM-device built into your PC.
Comment on Will Microsoft drop the TPM requirement for Win 11 once Win 12 rolls around? 1 year ago
The way Microsoft phrases it, it’s way more ubiquitous than you make it out:
“TPM has been around for over 20 years, and has been part of PCs since around 2005. In 2016 TPM version 2.0 - the current version as of this writing - became standard in new PCs.
The odds are that your PC does already have TPM, and if it’s less than 5 years old you should have TPM 2.0.
To find out if your Windows 10 PC already has it go to Start > Settings > Update and Security > Windows Security > Device Security. If you have it, you’ll see a Security processor section on the screen.”
So when they say:
“Important: Windows 11 requires TPM version 2.0.”
They’re requiring a standard established 7 years ago. Windows 11 launched in 2021, why WOULDN’T it require something from 2016?
You really want to run an OS from 2021 on hardware older than 2016? That’s not going to be a good idea, TPM or not.
Problem is, i havent enabled my TPM and don’t plan to, either.
TPM just gives your PC a non-spoofable fingerprint so Microsoft can always identify your PC. It’s simply a DRM-device built into your PC.
Your PC is already identifiable by the license key, the hardware installed, and you signing in with a Microsoft Account. If you’re that worried about gummint tracking or something, you shouldn’t even be gaming on your PC, as games and game stores have a lot of data to leak about you and what you’re doing on the PC.
i don't sign-in to my systems with a microsoft account. hell, i don't even have one.
Just because you haven’t enabled it doesn’t mean it’s not available. If you want a modern operating system, that’s the “you must be this tall to ride this ride.”
You mean a massively patched windows 2000 with modern OS? Does Linux count, or BSD? How about macOS?
Linux if you’re prepared to support it entirely yourself and still have functional issues.
MacOS if you want to pay 3x the price for hardware that’s 1/2 as capable and has locked you out of modifications.
You really want to run an OS from 2021 on hardware older than 2016? That’s not going to be a good idea, TPM or not.
10+ years of usage for a PC or laptop is completely normal outside the gamere/tech enthusiast bubble.
If you only use your PC for Amazon, Streaming and occasionally Word/Excel, a 10yo laptop is totally enough.
we still run win10 at the office on dual core wolfdale systems. they mostly now have 8gb ram and sata ssd. they run great. wolfdale launched in 2008, seven years before win10 was released.
i also have win11 set up on ivy bridge and haswell, that are also running very well. used daily for everything from basic office tasks, email with local multi-gigabyte mail stores, to video capture and editing. these are even older in relation to win11 than wolfdale is to win10.
the main issue is microsoft has unilaterally and arbitrarily decided that all these systems, all the way up to kaby lake (which was only discontinued by intel in 2020), which are usable by many, if not most, users for the tasks they perform are now 'obsolete'.... all in the name of profits for them and their oem partners.
It’s hard to avoid. People here just have been bitching about tpm because Linux distro maintainers don’t want to jump through hoops signing their shit. This problem doesn’t exist outside of Linux forums. 1 year ago
Probably worth noting that TPM often needs to be enabled in the motherboard’s BIOS. It’s possible that OP has it already, but got the “you don’t have TPM” error when trying to upgrade to Win11, simply because it isn’t activated in their BIOS. 1 year ago
Also worth noting that people may have access to TPM through their CPU, notably AMD Rysens… And that some of those were plagued for a while with very bad performance issues when it was activated.
It’s supposed to be fixed now, but only if you got the right BIOS updates. Not sure myself, I kinda gave up on TPM and Windows 11 on my current hardware.
The way things are going, honestly my next PC will probably have TPM because it’d have a newer motherboard, but I am not ruling out not having Windows on it. 1 year ago
Yup, seems likely given how it’s baked in and has been baked in for years.