The credit card company might agree to a chargeback, but then Sony will ban you and block access to the rest of the content you bought.
Comment on Sony Steals Customers' Purchased Content - Piracy is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED! 1 year ago
Can’t everyone just get a refund on everything they’re taking down? 1 year ago 1 year ago
They can’t agree to do a charge back unless you bought it really recently (within 120 days of purchase), and then only if you can prove you didn’t receive the item in question which you did. 1 year ago
Not from Sony, but nobody has tried to get a refund from WB or whoever owns Discovery. 1 year ago
Why not from Sony, they are the retailer, at least under Australian Consumer Law they are responsible for providing a refund. 1 year ago
Because the only reason Sony is pulling these shows is because the license holder is demanding they do so. The license holder is WB. They are who Sony paid in order to provide you with a license to enjoy whatever media you bought. They are not reimbursing Sony to give you a refund. 1 year ago
That sounds like a Sony problem to me. Who ever I paid, gives me the refund. If they have to go get it from someone else, that’s their problem.