It took me a while to get passed the early episodes, they were a little too “family guy” for me.
But the show did get pretty good in season 2, and the humour got better (in my opinion).
Comment on Can someone open this pickle jar? 1 year agoTell me you didn't finish season 1 without...
It took me a while to get passed the early episodes, they were a little too “family guy” for me.
But the show did get pretty good in season 2, and the humour got better (in my opinion).
I think the humour in the first few episodes was Mcfarlens way of sneaking the show past the network suits - he sold it as family guy meets star trek, then switched on them once it was established.
Literally the case, the first couple eps were written for fartjock executives. Ep 4 onwards were written for the show. It’s why there’s a sudden stratospheric upswing
The humor is the worst. All kidding aside, I wish you all the best.
I bet he didn’t even fuck a ghost! 1 year ago
Honestly I kind of wanted them to keep more of the humorous tone. I know a lot of people hated it and thought it was distracting, but I thought it was a pretty unique take on the genre. I wish they’d toned it down without going full space opera.