Currently a few samsung drives. I thought I’d be smart and zfs them together for proxmox, but that hasn’t been working well. Maybe that’s the issue and I just need to split them, I just liked the idea of a lot of storage split up, and that may give me even faster reads/writes. It’s been nothing but a pain though. Hell maybe one of them failed and I haven’t even noticed.
Comment on Enterprise SSD? 1 year ago
Even the slowest SSD write speeds should be faster than an HDD, and those have been running systems perfectly fine for decades. I’ve never used enterprise SSDs (usually one little consumer SSD, or even USB, for boot/cache and a bunch of HDDs for storage) and I’ve never had a problem.
What kind of hardware are you using? 1 year ago 1 year ago
What are you using for a drive controller? 1 year ago
Decades? Like before 2004 :-p
To be fair though, old SSDs were usually single cell (but without trim?) so maybe really good quality.
I got an illegally cheap 256GB one for my 3770K for, not 320€ but like less than half, still goes strong…
I’d love sticking a bunch of cheap SSD & maybe HD in a mega secure “drive” but seems there is always some other single point of failure like mobo, remembering the setup etc.