It does work like that. You vote with your dollars. If you buy these companies’ products, you confirm they made the right decision.
If enough people abandon their products, they change the model or die.
What you say you like and what your dollars say you like are 2 different things. The sooner people realize this the faster things will get improve. But, if people are unwilling to avoid buying products from bad companies, things will get worse. Welcome to capitalism. 1 year ago
The World worked that way, but people accepted the new ad contained products they paid for.
People even think it is fine to buy a product you don’t own 1 year ago
And people are making excuses for the forever inflating greed…
I mean, how do you accept inflating prices and costs while your salary has been stagnant for decades?
It just doesn’t make sense how costs, on individuals, are growing and growing. 1 year ago
I don’t I just pay the same amount since I was born /s 1 year ago
And get less and less for the same payment :p