Ask me how I know we’re not gonna reach our climate change reduction goals.
Comment on Microplastic overdose 1 year ago
That’s because all you absolute fucking babies are still crying they took your plastic straw away.
The reason we don’t have sensible climate conversations leading to real action is because the SLIGHTEST thing anyone suggests and you fucking scream your toddler heads off for years! 1 year ago 1 year ago
We’ll reach them once everyone dies in the hunger wars of 2088 1 year ago
For folks worried about plastic straws and bags and simple little shit, remind them what Lego is made of and how much of that is out there with the rest of the trash…
Don’t get me wrong, I love Lego, but still in the long run it’s just more of the plastic pollution problem. Of course this isn’t the only place they end up, but check this… 1 year ago
LEGO isn’t made to be thrown out. Plastic straws and bags are. 1 year ago
Just because it isn’t meant to be thrown out, doesn’t mean squat when people and families get evicted or homes demolished from disasters or whatever. We don’t live in an ideal world, shit happens, and when it does, your stuff gets thrown in the dumpster… 1 year ago
Yeah I do agree people are not willing to have these conversations, we live incredibly wasteful lives for no reason at all - yeah Lego is a fun toy but we don’t need it to last for ten thousand years, like let’s keep that stuff for special things and if we’re making models then keep some logs asside, cut them into the size pieces you want and use a knife or chissel to shape them.
Or depending on your local geology dig a hole, wash out the clay by swapping between buckets then let it dry until it’s the desired consistency and shape it into what you want to make - when you’re done you can just crumble it up and use it again, or if you really love it then you can fire it and keep it as long as you like, when you smash it up then it’ll all go back to soil.
But no people need to buy Disney licences Lego kits which they’ll probably keep in the box anyway because they don’t even want to play with them that just want to have them for a while then leave them in the soil for the next few millennia. 1 year ago
Neither is the Internet, computers, or smartphones, yet here you are… 1 year ago
Dang, sorry for not being 100% on board with something that’ll make things worse for some disabled people while having an immeasurable impact on the climate 1 year ago
Many modern humans are a bunch of entitled little shits and it applies across the political spectrum.
I strongly believe every person needs to experience serious adversity at some point - homelessness, joblessness, food insecurity, chronic health issues, or chronic pain. I have had most of the above (and still have some, yay chronic health issues) and that made me a better person by giving me perspective.
All the best people I know went through some shit or are empathetic enough to understand what it’s like. The worst people I know either were protected from adversity or went through an adverse situation but didn’t have the tools to properly work through it so it made them worse. 1 year ago
Uh… Yeah… I’ve experienced homelessness throughout my teenage years and… Uh… It really makes the things “normal” people complain about or stress over seem small and insignificant. 1 year ago
Same here and seriously. It’s not that I disagree that whatever is bothering them is bothersome, it’s usually just something I wouldn’t notice.
Like people cutting me off or speeding on the freeway. I really couldn’t care less as long as they’re not putting me directly in danger. I really just don’t notice but it drives my wife nuts. I’m just happy I’m only driving my car, not living in it.