Comment on Drivers Tend To Kill Pedestrians At Night. Thermal Imaging May Help. 1 year ago
I know I am part of the problem, but the number of people walking around in dark colors and dark jackets at night baffles me. Bonus points if they are jaywalking because they have the right of way.
Combine that with spending any time after sunset either partially blind from super bright LEDs or fully blind from high beams and yeah. Constantly having to drive defensively and try to spot potential hazards a mile ahead in the brief window of just being partially blinded. 1 year ago
Have you maybe thought about the fact that 99% of nice and thich winter jackets come in a full 3 colours: yellow-khaki, dark blue and black.
Bonus points if you are speeding over a pedestrian crossing or if there’s nos sidrwalk so you have the choice of not going anywhere or using the only other option, i.e. the road
Combine that woth the fact that headlights are exponentially more blinding to pedestrians, that cars zooming by produce very calming and enjoyable noises, especially if it’s a beefed up BMW louder than a jet engine.
Oh and also if you’re in a car and hit a pothole you’ll just get a little shake. But if you’re a pedestrian and it’s raining, there’s a non-zero chance you’ll ebd up soaking wet and catch a cold
TLDR: How the FUCK can someone be jaywalking if they have the right of way? 1 year ago
It means he’s confused and has fallen for the automakers’ propaganda. 1 year ago
It means someone isn’t using a crosswalk but still has the right of way by virtue of being a pedestrian. 1 year ago
Yeah. Maybe it is different where others live but it is incredibly common for people to just say “fuck it” because they know others will stop or swerve. Happens in cars and on foot