Is only joke. Why you heff to be mad?
Comment on Ransomware 1 year ago
I feel like this place has gotten super mean-spirited lately. Maybe I'm just dropping in at the wrong times but I feel like 80% of the posts and comments I see are backhanded references or jabs at some part of the community and most of the rest is TOS stuff I don't understand that for all I know is also being nasty to somebody.
Does it really have to be like this? I'll leave that to you lot to figure out. Maybe a split is in order, or part of the commagazine will just vanish and never make another Trek joke again.
Also somecritter lemme know if the Disco-Risa/NonDisco-Risa split happens 'cause I kinda still wanna be in one of them. Or maybe both, as long as the fighting quits. 1 year ago 1 year ago
I have often found humans require the ability “make fun of themselves” in order to derive pleasure. For their species this is normal and you should not find it disconcerting. 1 year ago
Their entire species is disconcerting and I wish I could get away from it. 1 year ago
Good luck with that.
Jack Black is everywhere. 1 year ago
You need to broaden your perspective like when Riker commanded a Klingon ship.
Fighting is fun. Embrace your inner Klingon and tell those Disco lover/haters how horribly wrong they are! 1 year ago
I think you’re taking this a bit too seriously. Risa is a community for shit posting and jokes. We are allowed to make fun of ourselves here. 1 year ago
I agree with MrPoopyButthole. We’re unserious here but we tend to not put up with actual maliciousness.