Comment on US accused of sending fake Roman mosaics back to Lebanon 1 year ago
I geuss the US response would be the usual we’re the big guys here, what you gonna do about it ? and fuck you.
They did it when the whole mass surveillance thing was unveiled so I don’t think some poor archeologists can do much about this, can they ? I even think that the US archeologists that were tasked to analyze the authenticity are more than likely forced to comply and lie or risk being fired 1 year ago
I think you’ve misunderstood the article. What happened was a district attorney united states caught someone smuggling antiquities into the country. So the district attorney who caught them had everything sent back to the country of origin, exactly what they should do with summgled antiquities. It turned out the guy was trafficking in mostly forgeries of pieces that are in other known locations and were never brought to the united states. What on earth do you think the US did wrong here? 1 year ago
But the USA is always bad!! /s 1 year ago
It was a loaded headline meant to trick people into clicking. If you just read the headline you’d think the United States government was stealing artifacts, forging them, and sending the forgeries back or something. Which has like nothing in common with the actual story in the article. Always pretty easy in the comments to tell who actually read the article and who made up an imaginary article in their head based on the headline. 1 year ago
I know titles are fake as shit. I read the post summary and the autotldr summary both didn’t contain anything explaining about any of what you said. Both actually renforce the idea that the antiques where sent as knowingly as fake. 1 year ago
I gave an exemple above of why it’s actually plausible for the US to do so. Heck, if you want a real reason why " USA is always bad" just look at the map of USA backed coup.
Yes, I expect USA do such things. 1 year ago
The response at the end of the article is funny though. “No you” but in DA.