How do we know which links would have this? What is the connection Amazon has to an article? I’m confused, I thought this meant only if you are sharing a link from a social media site. 1 year ago
Amazon does it as well when you share an article. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Some random article from the Amazon Android App:
Share button:
Clicking the link:…
Cleaned link: 1 year ago
Affiliate links I’m assuming but I’m not sure 1 year ago
The op is about social media sites, but almost every site does it. Amazon, news sites, just about anything Google, Facebook.
Shopping sites all do so they can track you across their platform even if you are not signed in. ‘You looked at (premium) Widget, then (bargain) Widget’. They will probably show (mid-priced) Widget somewhere on that page then. If you click an external link on that page it will have tracking parameters along with it.