Comment on Social cohesion lowest on record as Australia reels from cost of living, inequality concerns and voice debate ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I’m not sure anybody should be surprised at this. Certain political forces have spent the last fifty years systematically dividing society, instrumentalising fear, going all in on disinformation, and weaponising division, all for the purpose of acquiring power and wealth. They’ve undermined government, hollowed out public services, and driven wedges into any societal issue they didn’t like. Thanks to them, we have rising inequality. Thanks to them, we came out of Covid with no improvements whatsoever to the health system and our ability to handle a pandemic. Thanks to them, we have a housing affordability crisis. Thanks to them, issues like the same-sex marriage debate and the voice debate turned into the hateful, divisive shitshows they were.

And they will keep doing all those things, again and again, while pointing the finger and blaming others for the shit they cause.
