Not everything has to be legislation
No amount of reasonable legislation can force parents to teach this stuff. Doing it through schools is infinitely easier. 1 year ago 1 year ago
What alternative do you suggest that will be effective enough to not alienate children with parents who refuse to listen or think rationally? 1 year ago
Considering the sheer amount of time people spend in schools during essentially all of their formative years, it’d be a terrible idea not to implement legislation that could prevent maladaptive behaviors in our populace. Schools are already affected by legislation via the Mindless Drone Initiative established by our industrial forefathers. We might as well update things to make it a Healthy Human Endeavor instead. Finger-wagging at imaginary parents is going to do fuck all by comparison. 1 year ago
It also helps provide a social standard that anyone can relate to. Seems weird to demand that parents should be the ones solely responsible to make sure their children are able to socialize properly. That just means they're main reference for socializing is just their parents.