Comment on When is season 4 anyway? 1 year agoThey also don’t really force their will onto the Moclans. Sure, everyone else fundamentally disagrees with them, but they still respect Moclan sovereignty. The Orville’s federation is content to let them live as they choose. Instead of demanding compliance they agree to disagree. The crew focuses on guidance and assistance so they can help their Moclan allies figure it all out on their own terms. 1 year ago
I kinda disagree with this because at the end of the day the federation kinda did end up forcing their will on the Moclans. However, the federation tried as hard as they could to find solutions and compromises that would have allowed them to maintain their culture while also allowing people who didn’t want to be a part of it, primarily female Moclans, to have their own space where they could live the way they wanted to.
The reason why the federation eventually ended up forcing their will on the Moclans was for the same reason that modern society tends to eventually tell bigots to fuck off; the bigots weren’t content with bigoting off in their own little corner but instead felt offended by the fact they weren’t allowed to bigot everywhere else and threw a hissy-fit about it. Then people got tired of the bigots throwing whiney tantrums about not being allowed to bigot outside of their designated bigot-spaces and said, “fuck you, eat shit.” 1 year ago
True, but by the end the moclans had completely blown their shit. They were literally kicked out of the union and went antagonist (and promptly got their arses kicked again hahaha)