Comment on When is season 4 anyway? ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I know I might be about to ruffle some feathers, but The Orville is how you do representation right imo. The whole story arc with Topa was beautiful.

Like, something that turned me off of nu-trek was how the representation was handled. It felt pandery to an almost gross extent. Like, Jesus Christ man, it’s the year 24-something-something, why are you still acting like being gay is a big deal? OoOoOoOoo oh nooooo, there’s gay people WoooOoOooo. And while I don’t remember there being spoken pandering in few episodes I watched, there was something about how the scenes were constructed, the shots were lined up, etc, that felt like they were trying to draw attention to the LGBT members doing LGBT things. Again, it’s 24XX, I’m supposed to believe humanity has achieved near-utopia, why am I getting the feeling that you’re trying to show me how gay these dudes are purely because they’re gay. You don’t need to do that. It’s 24XX, who the hell is still getting bent out of shape about homosexuality 400 years from now?

The Orville, on the other hand, just kinda… treated it like it was normal. Some characters are gay, some characters are straight, but the show didn’t really focus on it; some guys just liked other guys more than gals and vice versa. They treated it like it was normal.

Okay, okay, but I brought up Topa, and Topa’s story arc is literally all about Topa’s gender problems. How does that not go against my previous complaints? Well, Topa isn’t human. Topa is from a male-dominated culture that believes femininity is weakness and should be eradicated via gender reassignment. It’s not a human culture, and so it doesn’t clash with the idea of humanity having a near-utopia. A human utopia involves everyone being treated equally, so when you imply different treatment, whether through dialog choices or cinematography, it clashes with that idea. But the Moclans don’t have a utopia, and so putting emphasis on Topa being female makes sense, especially when it comes to the human crew struggling with the clashing ideas of Moclan forced gender reassignment and the human take on sapient rights. Unlike nu-trek, there’s no dissonance there.
