Comment on Assuming a button that, every time you push it, your intelligence goes up. The obvious and sane thing to do is to push the button all day. Yes? No? Maybe? Is there something that I'm missing here? ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I think you'd wind up losing the ability to have meaningful relationships with your loved ones and others in your life, as your raw intelligence pushed you towards a sort of hyper-rationality. Maybe you'd also stop caring about that. But chances are your loved ones wouldn't.

I'd proceed cautiously. Nudge it up, give some time to see how your life changes as a result. Maybe do some journaling. A couple weeks or months later, nudge it up again, etc. That way you can get some metrics regarding how its impacting your life and make the decision to stop if you think things are heading the wrong way.

Also something something Lawnmower Man and something something Flowers for Algernon.
