Comment on That's everyday lately but Trek makes it better ⁨7⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

It’s 5am and I usually don’t get up this early but my body is just not cooperating these days and I can’t sleep … nor can I work … nor can I really move much … it’s really frustrating because I can actually still lift about a hundred pounds and move heavy things … but about 10 percent of my arm movements are pure agony. Sitting at my desk is the best thing right now … and the only benefit is in being able to binge watch Star Trek.

It’s allowed me to watch the first season of Discovery … and just like the crew, my spore drive broke down … but I haven’t been able to find my way back to my universe yet.

If being sick or unwell or having a bad day has any benefit … it’s that it allows you time to go through Star Trek … it is definitely a place of comfort.


Great show but I was bit disturbed that they introduced Stamet’s partner Culber and then suddenly just killed him off … I thought it was a great side story but to just drop it off like that was a bit stupid I thought.
