Comment on Peertube's moment might come soon

<- View Parent ⁨6⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

That's what I'm saying, someone already has to follow, you are then relying on the other people on your instance. It's one of the downsides of the Fediverse in general but it's made even worse with Video as video takes up a lot of space making each instance has limitations on the users stopping them from releasing so many videos.

Like Imagine if someone like Casey Neistat was still releasing daily videos but they where limited due to the possible instance they where using it would suck as it would stop them from uploading there latest video. Hopefully this gets solved in the future with better storage solutions but still it costs a lot to host Video files and that's why most people go to YouTube over anywhere else ATM.

I would love to see PeerTube as well as other Fediverse Video platforms to grow, it's just quite hard for it to grow unless each instance has easily over 100GB per user that uploads.
