Comment on An oldie but a goodie 1 year ago
the most interesting thing about this is the fact that “removed” is blurred out, but not “gay ass queer”. times have changed and i feel so fucking old. 1 year ago
[deleted] 1 year ago
do they take a request? they’re missing at least one… 1 year ago
[deleted] 1 year ago
that’s a good suggestion. thanks 1 year ago
You've brought up a real interesting and nuanced point, which is "what's the difference between an insult and a slur, and when does one become the other?" And a lot of it's just down to "whether the target of said insult/slur feels it's so offensive as to actually cause harm or be a predictor of causing harm," I think.
In the cases you've pointed out,
is still very much a slur, whereas "queer" definitely used to be and is now going through a sort of reclamation phase, so whether someone considers it a slur or not really kind of depends on their own history with it. "Queer" is definitely a word with an actively evolving meaning and legacy*, I think, and since we're in the middle of it I'm not sure whether it will end up fully reclaimed or the pendulum will swing the other way eventually.*all words are actively evolving like this but it's much quicker with insults and slurs because of the emotion involved
Anyway, back to the subject of Drath’nor the Anus Destroyer. 1 year ago
[deleted] 1 year ago
Wait. Is this a joke? removed? 1 year ago
Gay ass queer isn’t really a slur, it’s just dumb. The other word obviously is one. 1 year ago
What if Drath’nor is a reanimated Ent or some sort of wooden gollum?